The proof is in the digital readings now.
Allow your horse’s body to give feedback about the cellular function in that location.
What is Acuscope /Myopulse Therapy?
How this therapy is different:
Biofeedback loop- Real time digital readings as the therapist works through the horses’ body finding normal/abnormal readings.
Computer Circuitry- Programmed information with animals tissue norms and allows the instrument to never over stimulate.
Infinity variable waveform- An constant adjustment throughout the treatment and giving feedback to the computer circuitry and to only stimulate the body at the level it’s needing at the time of treatment.
The Electro Acuscope and Myopulse therapy system is FDA approved microcurrent instrument modality, that is designed with a biofeedback system that’s specifically programmed with animal tissues norms. This instrument has FDA approval for neuromuscular, musculoskeletal conditions, pain management and when used properly accelerated recovery rate of MINIMUM of 50% or more. The body’s natural current is microcurrent, which allows the body to be more acceptable to the treatments.
What is Acuscope?
The Electro-Acuscope is the primary instrument, that works directly through the nervous system. This instrument gives digital readings of the cellular function to guide the therapist through the body like a roadmap.
What is Myopulse?
The Myopulse, is the companion instrument that’s goal is to normalize the electromagnetic field that surrounds the soft tissue. This instrument has direct access to all soft and connective tissues, muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and periosteum.

Why should you use Acuscope therapy on your horse?
#1 Do you have an injured horse?
An injured horse has a diagnosis from your veterinarian and requires 6 months of rehab before being able to compete again. With this diagnosis, time is not on your side, your are unable to compete. This is when Acuscope therapy can be introduced into your horses rehab program. Acuscope therapy is an FDA approved therapy that has been shown to accelerate healing by 50% or more. Your horses recovery rate could be reduced from 6 months to 3 months, putting you back in the saddle competing. ( I required a recheck from the client’s veterinarian every 30 days.)
#2 Does your horse have a chronic condition? (Arthritis, navicular, ringbone, etc.)
Acuscope therapy doubles as a pain management solution, which can slow down the progression of the condition.
#3 Are you wanting to have a more competitive edge?
Long hours of hard work and dedication have no return if your horse is not feeling its best. By using Acuscope therapy as preventative maintenance, you are ensuring your athlete is feeling their best. This also lowers your chance of injury when you are allowing the body to "recharge" itself.
Common conditions Acouscope/Myopule has helped
Injuries happen in every sport with an athlete, no matter the discipline. There is acute conditions that often become chronic problems, when they are not handled immediately. We all have had that minor issue turn into something more complicated and changed the performance plans. Here is a list of common conditions which have been treated successfully with the Acuscope/Myopulse system.
Rotator cuff injury
Arthritic conditions
Pinched nerves
Surgical scars
Traumatic injury
Body soreness
Joint inflammation
Bowed tendons
Ring bone
Ligaments problems
Back problems
Stifle problems
Mouth ailments
Pulled muscles
Capped hocks/curbs
Muscle spasms
Abscessed feet
Old age syndrome
Wound Care